Repair and rehabilitation (R&R) projects are vitally necessary to the teaching and research mission of all Indiana University campuses. These projects ensure safe and effective learning and work environments while seeking efficiencies and planning for future needs.
A solid infrastructure for the long term
Determining R&R priorities
Facility assessments for each campus are performed on a regular basis, and priorities are established for each fiscal year.

What qualifies as R&R?
Examples of R&R include installation of sprinkler and fire alarm systems, elevator maintenance, window replacements, upgrades of electrical systems to support today’s technology-driven classrooms and research spaces, replacement of window air-conditioning units with centralized systems, repairs to storm water drainage systems to alleviate flooding issues, and much more.
- Safety improvements
- Code requirements (fire, ingress/egress)
- Critical systems infrastructure (steam, water, electricity, HVAC, plumbing)
- Structural infrastructure (roofs, building structure)
- Classrooms
NOT R&R-eligible
- New construction
- Office refreshing
- Furniture/furnishings/carpet/paint
- Rental houses
- Leased property (space not owned by IU)
- Parking
- Residence halls
- Food service
- Athletics facilities
- Other auxiliary facilities
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