Indiana University (IU) and the Indiana University Foundation (IUF) have created the Woodland Society, an impactful approach to supporting the Woodland Campuses of Indiana University. This giving society provides donors the opportunity to contribute to our beautiful and inspiring campus environments by selecting a “grove” – a general area of campus – where a tree will be planted.
Woodland Society

Donations to the Woodland Society also go beyond planting an individual tree. This program creates on-going funding for the myriad of initiatives the university undertakes to provide a beautiful and rich canopy of woodlands – both now and into the future.
When making their gift, donors will designate the grove on the campus of their choice for a tree to be planted. (View tree maps by campus – view the left side of each map for grove names, and the right side for individual tree species and diameter.) The donation will be recorded for the designated grove, yet trees will not have individual plaques or markers. Individual society members will receive a specialized lapel pin to designate their participation in this unique program. A list of Woodland Society members and their memorial or honorary dedications can be viewed online and groves can be visited online via the campus tree maps.
Indiana University would not be able to maintain and grow its beautiful and inspiring verdant landscapes without the philanthropic support of IU’s generous donors. We are so thankful for those that have given their support to the Woodland Campuses of Indiana University.
How to join the Woodland Society: Make a minimum gift to The Woodland Campus Initiative of $1500. For additional information, contact